Art Licks Weekend 2017
28 Sep 2017 – 01 Oct 2017
Locations Across London
London, United Kingdom
The Mons Mensae Pavilion acts as the 'landing site' for six artists' soundscape pieces.
The Mons Mensae Pavilion will follow a constellation of sites that are marked across South East London. The sites are chosen in reference to the Mons Mensae constellation, one of the only constellations not to have a figurative counterpart or mythological history. The constellation was introduced by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 18th century. Lacaille named it Mons Mensae, or Table Mountain, after the mountain in South Africa, from where he had observed the constellations in the southern sky. Mensa does not contain any stars brighter than fifth magnitude and, other than a part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, does not have any notable deep sky objects.
The Mons Mensae Pavilion moves daily to a different location throughout the festival weekend:
Friday: Burgess Park (St Georges Way)
Saturday: Peckham Rye Park (Colyton Road)
Sunday: Telegraph Hill Park (Aspinall Road)
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