Merry-Go-Round Broke Down
17 Apr 2018 – 12 May 2018
Event times
Tuesday- Friday: 11am-6pm
Saturday: 12noon-5pm
Cost of entry
- Grosvenor Road
- Altrincham
England - WA14 1LD
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Altrincham Interchange
- Altrincham
- Altrincham Interchange
Merry-Go-Round Broke Down is an exhibition exploring the concept of 'Toon-Culture' in contemporary art.
Everyone has seen cartoons at one stage of their life, whether in their childhood or through more 'tongue-in-cheek' animations in their adulthood. Cartoons are a great distraction away from reality whilst at the same time providing ironic commentary on current events. They also provide an element of escapism by making the impossible seem possible and vice-versa. The same could be said about art; providing a means of escape for the artist and an escape from reality for the viewer.
The exhibition takes its title from the 1937 song most commonly used as the theme tune for the Loony Tunes television series. Much like the series, the exhibition explores the use humour, exaggeration or ridicule to expose and criticize current topics; to either make light of serious event or make difficult concepts simplified. Taking inspiration from films such as Who framed Roger Rabbit, the exhibition aims cross the line between the ‘toon-world’ and reality by bringing elements from modern day life into a fictitious environment.
In addition to toying with current social topics, the works in this exhibition aim to provide an ironic comment on the nature of art itself; from exploring the themes found in the history of art, to commentary on public sculpture and the aesthetics of gallery display. Providing a distraction from the serious works usually found within a gallery, many of these works challenge the nature of the contemporary art world through the use of banter, slapstick and playful commentary. In this way the gallery is transformed with the use of sculptures, props, animation and visuals to become a fragmented animation set but devoid of any characters, allowing the visitors to take on this role as they explore the show.