
'Meet the Artist' Sharon Drew at 'Flip & Curl'

23 Sep 2017

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The Fitzrovia Gallery

London, United Kingdom


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  • Warren Street
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'Meet the Artist' Sharon Drew - see sketchbooks and supporting studies not usually available for viewing. Also an opportunity to discuss the processes and impetus behind the work.


Fitzrovia Gallery presents 'Flip & Curl' - a new series of paintings following Sharon’s Residency ‘Flat-out’ at Trinity Buoy Wharf, Docklands, last Autumn and her return in August 2017. 

Sharon’s working process begins with a deep response to visual stimulus from the landscape she inhabits. The Thames-side location of Trinity Buoy Wharf, with its industrial edges, big skies and tidal rhythms was particularly inspiring in this respect.  Her paintings are essentially abstract but she looks for ways to evoke the energy and quality of landscape.

These are dynamic works.  The movement and physicality of the brushstroke is clearly evident as the paint twists and turns, flips and curls, creating a sense of motion and form. Light and colour also play a key element creating energy and space within the composition and adding to the sense of a fleeting moment in time.  

Sharon states:  

"Titles such as ‘Flip & Curl’, ‘Flat-out’ and ‘Drifter’ resist definitive interpretation. Abstract paintings elicit an individual response so I don’t want to dictate or pin down meaning, I much prefer ambiguous titles that open up possibilities and connections." 

References to the river and the city become distilled and subsumed into an abstract image and it is for the viewer to decide if the link to the real experience is still apparent or the painting defines itself. 

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