London Senses and Experiences
3 Jul 2007 – 5 Aug 2007
- 108a Boundary Road
- St John's Wood
- London
- NW8 0RH
- United Kingdom
London Senses and Experiences ' Art in the Big CityMichael Andrews, Frank Auerbach, Lucian Freud, Ron Kitaj, Leon Kossoff, Euan Uglow
London Senses and Experiences surveys the wide range of work by Leon Kossoff and Euan Uglow both born and bred in London, Michael Andrews who grew up in Norwich and arrived at the Slade in 1947, Lucian Freud and Frank Auerbach who escaped the Holocaust and arrived in London from Germany in 1933 and 1939 respectively, and Ohio born Ron Kitaj who came to London in 1959 to study at the Royal College of Art.
Each in their own distinctive manner communicates their senses and experiences of working in London, 'Art in the Big City' as Richard Cork titles his essay, and the juxtaposition of work from the Ben Uri, the Arts Council, Artist and Private collections provide an interesting and revealing view in many different mediums.
This exhibition is in so many ways a fascinating reflection of the composition and diversity within our own collection. The Ben Uri collection is a unique mix of British born and immigrant artists who made this great city of London their physical and or spiritual home for some or all of their careers.