Liz Deschenes, Wade Guyton, Eileen Quinlan, Blake Rayne, Reena Spaulings and Cheyney Thompson
15 Oct 2010 – 11 Dec 2010
- 2 Shorrolds Road
- London
- SW6 7TP
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- 11, 14, 414
- Fulham Broadway
- West Brompton
Event map
Systems Analysis
The exhibition brings together works by Liz Deschenes, Wade Guyton, Eileen Quinlan, Blake Rayne, Reena Spaulings and Cheyney Thompson. All based in New York this groups of friends work independently but share an interest in analysing the art system. Whilst reflecting their respective media, be it photography, painting or as with Reena Spaulings the fictional artist persona. Each of them explores in their specific way the processes of how meaning is created.