'Lee Miller: Food, Friends, and Recipes' Ami Bouhassane Author Talk and Dinner
15 May 2018
Regular hours
- Tuesday
- 10:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
- West Sussex, West Dean
- Chichester
England - PO18 0QZ.
- United Kingdom
West Dean College of Art and Conservation is proud to host this special event to celebrate the publication of 'Lee Miller: a Life with Food, Friends, and Recipes'.
The event will feature an author talk by Ami Bouhassane and includes a buffet of dishes from the book, prepared by West Dean's Head Chef, Dan Frowen. Doors open at 6.30pm, talk starts at 7pm and the event finishes at 9.30pm. Dressing up is encouraged!
Author, Ami Bouhassane is the granddaughter of Lee Miller and Roland Penrose. She is Trustee of the Lee Miller Archives and Co-Director of the organisation that manages the Archives, The Penrose Collection, and Farleys House and Gallery. Ami has worked in the Lee Miller Archives for over 19-years, caring for the works, as well as organising exhibitions and loans of her grandparents' work and collection, which continue to be exhibited internationally.
Much more than a recipe book, 'A Life with Food, Friends, and Recipes' explores Lee Miller's life through the influence of food. It explores how cooking became a creative vehicle that eventually replaced the camera and how she used it to build bridges, heal old wounds, and empower other women. The book contains over a hundred of Lee Miller's recipes as well as images by her and others.
A woman of many lives and mistress of her own re-invention Lee Miller - model, surrealist and fashion photographer, war correspondent and gourmet cook - did everything wholeheartedly and with an imaginative flair. Much has been written about the various forms of her creativity but Lee Miller's achievement as a gourmet chef is usually left to being an endnote. Her granddaughter Ami Bouhassane sees this aspect of her creative life as Miller's most extraordinary personal accomplishment in every sense.
Ami will be taking questions from the audience after her talk. Books will be on sale and a book signing will take place as part of the event.
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