Kurt Schwitters: Collage & Assemblage
7 Oct 2017 – 11 May 2018
- University of Newcastle
- Newcastle upon Tyne
- NE1 7RU
- United Kingdom
Kurt Schwitters: Collage & Assemblagefocuses on Schwitters’ pioneering career long use of collage, a significant development in 20th century art practice.
Fascinating dialogues exist between these works and those of the Independent Group and early pop artists on display in Pioneers of Pop and Schwitters' Merz Barn Wall, permanently displayed in the Hatton Gallery.
Rarely seen together, this exhibition will feature Schwitters’ classic ‘Merz’ collages from the Tate, British Museum, V&A, Armitt Museum, Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art as well as private collections.