Art Fair

Kunst im Karton

29 Nov 2023 – 30 Nov 2023

Regular hours

Wed, 29 Nov
16:00 – 22:00
Thu, 30 Nov
16:00 – 22:00

Cost of entry


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Kunst in den Gerichtshöfen

Berlin, Germany

Event map

Kunst im Karton - The affordable small-format art fair in Berlin-Wedding


Once again this year, "Kunst im Karton" invites all those interested in art to the Weddinger Gerichtshöfe for a small but exquisite pre-Christmas sales exhibition. For two days, 23 artists from Berlin and Brandenburg will be presenting selected works in a historic industrial setting.

The spectrum ranges from paintings, drawings, graphics and photography to mixed-media collages, sculptures and avant-garde object art. What makes it special: The focus on small, exquisite formats and sustainable materials for the exhibition hanging.

A small bar will be opened to create a cosy atmosphere. All art-fans are very welcome.

Kunst im Karton, 29 and 30 November 2023, from 4.00 - 10.00 pm each day
Where: Gerichtshöfe Wedding, access either via Gerichtstr. 12/13 or Wiesenstr. 62, staircase 3, 3rd floor, barrier-free
Public transport: S Wedding (Ringbahn), S Humboldthain, U-Bhf. Wedding (U6), buses M 27, 247


Kunst in den Gerichtshöfen e.V.

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Anne-Francoise Cart

Eva Sörensen

Kate Schneider

Sybille Gädeke

Judith Brunner

Katrin Binder

Ramona Czygan

Ute Deutz

Christine Duewel

Helmut Gutbrod

Patrick Huber

Dorothea Neumann

Johanna von Oldershausen

Dominique Raack

Kirstin Rabe

Günter Ries

Andrea Rude

Ilka Schneider

Sylvia Seelmann

Annette Selle

Andrea Wallgren

Ulrich Werner

Susanne Zinser


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