KtF x out in the cold
22 Feb 2018
Event times
Cost of entry
Warwick Arts Centre
- University of Warwick
- Gibbet Hill Road
- Coventry
England - cv4 7al
- United Kingdom
Taking over Warwick Arts Centre for the evening, KtF x out in the cold will be the preview event for the exhibition ‘out in the cold’ at Warwick University.
The exhibition will bring together artists from around the world, ranging from students at Slade to 2017 Venice Biennale exhibitors.
As out in the cold looks to take art out its comfortable gallery spaces and culture-capitals, the preview event invites you to escape your usual routine and join us for an evening of DJs, workshops and talks. The Mead Gallery will be open throughout and students will be giving tours of their wonderful Clare Woods exhibition.
out in the cold will be being projected all around Warwick Arts Centre during the event and includes artists such as Taus Makhacheva and Enrique Ramirez, both of whom recently exhibited in Christine Macel’s Venice Biennale.
Entrance is free.