Knitted Sculpture
27 Feb 2021
Regular hours
- Sat, 27 Feb
- 15:00 – 16:30
Timezone: Europe/London
Cost of entry
The cost of the workshop is £7 per a person, plus an Eventbrite fee
- Language: English
- Join the event
Knitted Sculpture is an experimental workshop focusing on making three dimensional pieces using simple techniques.
Workshop content: -
Explore the sculptural possibilities of knitting using simple techniques, with both conventional yarns and experimental materials.
· Creating 3D forms with ordinary knitting needles, plus circular and double pointed needles
· Building structures with multiples
· Shaping forms with a felting needle
There will be demonstrations of knitting and needle felting techniques, advice on fillings for soft sculpture, and a discussion on applying sculptural materials, such as plaster to textiles. The class also includes a worksheet and PowerPoint presentation showing to inspire further ideas after the session.
All levels of ability are welcome. The workshop is aimed at anyone with an interest in textiles or mixed media sculpture, wishing to explore the artistic potential of knitting. The emphasis is on creating experimental samples, rather than a finished piece.