

16 Feb 2024 – 23 Mar 2024

Regular hours

10:00 – 17:30
10:00 – 17:30
10:00 – 17:30
10:00 – 17:30
10:00 – 17:30

Free admission

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Glasgow Print Studio

Glasgow, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Nearest subway - St Enoch
  • Nearest train station - Queen St. or Central
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A contemporary screenprint exhibition exploring themes of personal histories, portraits and identity - featuring GPS publications alongside works by invited artists.


Glasgow Print Studio is pleased to present Keyline, a contemporary screenprint exhibition exploring themes of personal histories, portraits and identity. 

Artists: Sam Ainsley, Arrange Whatever Pieces Come Your Way, Danny Augustine, Claire Barclay, John Byrne, Scott Campbell, Christian Noelle Charles, Rabiya Choudhry, Spencer Dent, HAXTON by Fraser Taylor, Rosalind Lawless, Tim Mara, Scott Myles, Nkem Okwechime, Leena Namari, Matthew Rich and Khadija Saye

Showcasing a wide range of screenprinting techniques, Keyline creates a dialogue between the works of printmakers working in Scotland and dealing with themes of identity, portraiture and personal histories. The term ‘keyline’ in screenprinting refers to a boundary line that separates colour and monochromatic areas. Keylines can be thick and bold - acting as the glue that holds a composition together. Or they can be loose or invisible - created by the edge of colour itself. 

In our personal lives, the keyline could be the boundary between ourselves and the world we reside in - our skin, our home, our beliefs. It could be  boundaries we are forced into - whether it be pressure to conform to gender norms or societal expectations. A keyline can be mandated - when people are relegated to certain territories - mapped out by their oppressors or by geological boundaries. 

And like all maps, the keylines in our lives are constantly being reworked, reshaped, renamed and reinterpreted.


Exhibiting artistsToggle

sam ainsley RSA

Khadija Saye

Rabiya Choudhry

Rosalind Lawless

John Byrne

Danny Augustine

Claire Barclay

Christian Noelle Charles

Scott Myles


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