Javasu by Savinder Bual featuring occasional works from Sarah Boulton
29 Mar 2019 – 28 Apr 2019
Event times
Thursday-Sunday 11am-5pm
Cost of entry
Javasu' draws upon various points in history in which sea monsters, the pineapple and moving panoramas triggered the public's imagination to wonder what it was like to journey to faraway lands.
The exhibition is a tribute to Bristol resident Mary Baker, who in 1817 convinced the public that she was ‘Princess Caraboo’ from a fictitious island called Javasu. A fascination with the exotic and a curiosity to discover more about faraway lands duped the public into believing in Caraboo’s authenticity. They imbued her with mythologies constructed from their limited knowledge of the world.
Savinder Bual’s practice is driven by a fascination with the illusory qualities inherent in cinema and early animation. Imagining herself as a cinema pioneer and inventor of sorts, she explores the interplay between the moving and the still, creating works that often sit between the pre-cinematic and the digital.
The exhibition is accompanied by a programme of events, workshops, performances and talks. For more information visit https://carabooprojects.com/events_and_workshops/