
Jason Kerley – Mobility

11 Jul 2019 – 1 Sep 2019

Event times

Monday to Friday 7am—10pm
Saturday 9am—10pm
Sunday 7am—4pm

Cost of entry


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Travel Information

  • Peckham Rye
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Event map

Jason Kerley is a collector. For his show Mobility, Kerley presents collections within a collection.


The objects he has chosen are drawn from all sorts of places: cheap toys and balloons, creative commons clip art, cartoon eyes and flowers. Through manipulating these objects Kerley explores the reproduction of real things, to create new, fake things. These fake things ultimately become their own thing, and take on a new strange identity detached from the original.

As objects they functions as copies, but as sculptures they function as a still life. They are given a new higher status now that they’re in the gallery.

Mobility questions the new symbolism of these objects now that they are displayed as ‘art’.


Alice Bonnot

Daniel Curtis

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Jason Kerley


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