James Richards: Migratory Motor Complex
24 Feb 2018 – 26 May 2018
Cardiff, United Kingdom
2 - 4pm
£5 / £3 concession
This event takes ‘The Voice’ as a thematic device to explore the work of James Richards.
Through the voice we look at the individual body, the coming of age in both biological and cultural forms, and the moment of ‘finding your voice’.
The event includes films by Meredith Monk, Charlmaigne Palestine, and Anne Maguire. There will be a reading by Giles Bailey of the text Voce di Testa written by Chris McCormack specifically for Music for the Gift as part of the Venice Biennale.
This will be a unique opportunity to get fresh perspectives on James’ work and exploration of the voice that is both melancholy and celebratory.
James Richards Migratory Motor Complex
Associated Events
G39 is developing a programme of events inspired by the Cymru yn Fenis Wales in Venice exhibition by James Richards. These events will be spaces to explore broader ideas relating to James’ work and the themes raised within the exhibition. The events will also give us the chance to consider the exhibition in the context of Venice, and the presence of Wales within the Venice Biennale.
G39 have worked with James Richards and Chapter to develop three themes for these events. As a whole the themes form a set of concentric circles, beginning with the singularity, the individual, the absolute; then widening out to become more knowing, more diverse and relative; until at the outer edge ideas stretch to abstraction, a public or anonymous corpus. At the centre of these is the first event: The Voice.
G39 has been commissioned by Chapter to develop this programme in dialogue with James Richards. The events are supported by the Arts Council of Wales and have been made possible with Art Fund support.
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