Online Discussion – Iron: Translating Territories
27 Jan 2022
IRON: Translating Territories examines iron’s multiple facets and roles by seeking new routes and practices to map unfamiliar territories and possibilities through art practice.
Finlay Room and Members Lobby, RSA Lower Galleries
Free entry, no booking required
Artists: Paweł Czekański | Clare Flatley | Gordon Munro RSA | Rachel Nolan | Ewan Robertson | Oana Stanciu | Michał Staszczak
The exhibition will unveil diverse understandings of the physical world around us and explore the creative potential and complexity in this singular material. Academician Gordon Munro RSA has assembled a pan-European group of artists, each bringing a unique perspective in their responses to the place of iron in our lives and its use as an artistic medium.
The exhibition is also be available to view online here.
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