Invisible City
10 May 2019 – 11 May 2019
Event times
Private View:
May 10, 17:00-22:00
Film Screenings, followed by a Q&A with director Gillian McIver:
May 11, 17:00-19:30
Opening Hours:
May 10, 17:00-22:00
May 11, 14:30-19:30
Cost of entry
Free entry
- 24 Naval Row
- London
England - E149PS
- United Kingdom
The exhibition showcases works investigating the nature of the city, its infrastructure, inhabitants, its past and future: Will the Invisible City crumble or will it escape its gnawing termites?
In Calvino's book 'The Invisible Cities', Marco Polo meets The Great Kublai Khan and recounts to him the beautiful, impossible cities he has travelled through.'Kublai Khan does not necessarily believe everything Marco Polo says when he describes the cities visited on his expeditions, but the emperor of the Tartars does continue listening to the young Venetian with greater attention and curiosity than he shows any other messenger or explorer of his'.
This is because Marco tells him the reasons why humans decide to create and gather in such places, reasons beyond any discomfort or crisis.
Cities are a place of exchange, not only of material goods but an exchange of memories, desires, ideas, languages.
The Invisible City is the one that used to be and the one that hasn't been built yet, it's the city we dream to live in, the one that goes unobserved by its commuters, and the one only the fresh eyes of a traveller can see.
The Invisible City is the one that can be seen solely through an individual's experience and the one only a collectivity can realise. The Invisible City is what hides underneath the asphalt and what floats above it. It's the network that unites its citizens.
'Invisible City' hosts artists from all media that, just like Marco, can make Kublai Khan reflect upon his empire and the magic that inhabits it.
The exhibition showcases works investigating the nature of the city, its infrastructure, inhabitants, its past and future: Will the Invisible City crumble or will it escape its gnawing termites?