
In Her Element

4 Mar 2023

Regular hours

Sat, 04 Mar
18:00 – 21:00

Free admission

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​Mash Gallery is thrilled to present "In Her Element" - an upcoming art exhibitioncelebrating Women's History Month.


This exhibition pays tribute to the distinctivequalities and perspectives of women, focusing on the various characteristics thatdemonstrate the intricacies and variations of femininity.

Participating Artists:

Alexander Varvaridze

Anastasia Korsakova

Cabell Molina

Erika Hess

Georgina Clapham

Haleh Mashian

Isabel Reyes

Jenny Vinter

Johannes Wessmark

Kicki Edgren

Miguel Pichardo

Nelly Zagury


Haleh Mashian

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Nelly Zagury

Miguel Pichardo

Kicki Edgren

Johannes Wessmark

Jenny Vinter

Isabel Reyes

Haleh Mashian

Georgina Clapham

Erika Hess

Cabell Molina

Anastasia Korsakova

Alexander Varvaridze

Taking part


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