
I PAINT OUTSIDE THE LINES : Presented by Candid House Projects

9 Oct 2023 – 14 Oct 2023

Regular hours

Tue, 10 Oct
11:00 – 18:00
Wed, 11 Oct
10:00 – 18:00
Thu, 12 Oct
10:00 – 18:00
Fri, 13 Oct
10:00 – 18:00
Sat, 14 Oct
11:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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Bermondsey Project Space

England, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • C10 Victoria to Canada Water (Stop F Bermondsey Street)
  • London Bridge - Borough
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
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Presented by Candid House Projects.
Curated by Thom Oosterhof.


Candid House Projects is thrilled to announce its newest exhibition ‘ I Paint Outside The Lines’ in collaboration with curator Thom Oosterhof.

The exhibiting artists are Gioele Amaro, Hugo Capron, Michele Fletcher, Elise Lafontaine, Kyara Van Meel, Giulia Messina, Jemima Murphy, Wenhai Ning, Matt Phillips, Nevena Prijic, Kolja Kärtner Sainz, Katherine Qiyu Su, Brach Tiller and Xiuching Tsay.

In 1907, when Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and Auguste Herbin presented their first “cubist” paintings at the Salon d’Automne, they opened a door that has never been shut since. Art could take on another form than the purely figurative one it historically had. As artists pushed the boundaries of this new idea, paintings became fully abstract, at times completely monochrome, at times completely bare, burned or slashed. Some called it the death of painting. Flash forwards a century later, painting is still alive, perhaps more now than ever. Movements have arguably been lost, giving way to pure artistic freedom. No need to follow your peers, join a school of theory or write manifestos. Yet, two terms have remained and emerged as the main labels for the art world to divide its artists: abstract vs figurative. This extreme division has existed since abstraction became the mainstream form of painting after the second world war.

As neither one dominates the art world, it is our belief that in the last decade a new wave of artists has emerged, artists that have decided to exist in neither category, outside the lines. These painters are inspired by the tangible, by everyday life and experiences. They thrive on what’s real and concrete. However, they choose to represent it in a less figurative way. They blur the image, or, like the cubists, some simplify its representation, and others make the interpretation more complex. Some are driven by pure emotion, others by intense research. Each process is different, but they are linked together, connected by their independence, by their freedom and ability to remain unlabelled. The abstract and the figurative both live in harmony, dialogue or conflict within their works, but they are both present and absent from their paintings at the same time. A chosen limbo, full of exploration, courage, and deprived of boundaries. Borderless.

This exhibition is for them.

What to expect? Toggle


Thom Oosterhof

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Xiuching Tsay

Brach Tiller

Katherine Qiyu Su

Kolja Kärtner Sainz

Nevena Prijic

Matt Phillips

Wenhai Ning

Jemima Murphy

Giulia Messina

Kyara Van Meel

Elise Lafontaine

Michele Fletcher

Hugo Capron

Gioele Amaro


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