
"I is an other"

9 Feb 2023 – 25 Mar 2023

Regular hours

10:00 – 17:00
10:00 – 17:00
10:00 – 17:00

Free admission

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Watford, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • There are a number of public car parks in the centre of the town, all of which are within easy walking distance.
  • Watford is easily accessible from the M25 and M1 and there is easy access to the Museum from both the Watford Junction and High Street railway stations (the latter is only 300 yards away).
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map

"I is an other" Nine artists and an other have been asked to respond to Rimbaud and his poetry. The artists are ANNIE ATTRIDGE, JOE DUGGAN, RAE HICKS, JULIAN HUTTON, KATE MIECZKOWSKA, ANTHONY MILER, RYAN MOSLEY, ANNE RYAN, ANTHONY WAITES, JULIAN WAKELIN.


It was 150 years ago that the French poet Arthur Rimbaud first started to write his influential poem A Season In Hell whilst living in Camden Town with fellow poet Paul Verlaine. Their time in London ended in a personal disaster, yet out of this the groundbreaking poem A Season In Hell was worked. The poem was and still is a strange form of Autobiography, from the perspective of an adolescent.

On rereading this poem three years ago Anthony Waites the curator of this exhibition was struck by its relevance to all personal forms of suffering; something most adolescents seem to relate to; along with countless generations of artists and musicians.

Pier Paolo Pasolini, The Beat poets, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Kurt Cobain and the current wave of street poets and rap artists have all been influenced by and have name checked the seer poet Rimbaud. Artists from the early avant - garde onwards such as Apollinaire, Picasso, Miro, Ernst, Giacometti, Braque, Arp, have all illustrated Rimbaud’s Voyant letter.

This is the power of Rimbaud; he is like an exotic narcotic for each generation of seekers of the new.

What to expect? Toggle


Anthony Waites

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Kate Mieczkowska

Rae Hicks

Julian Wakelin

Anthony Waites

Anne Ryan

Ryan Mosley

Anthony Miler

joe duggan

Annie Attridge

Julian Hutton


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