
I. Concretismo Lírico

1 Jun 2018 – 7 Jul 2018

Event times

Tuesday to friday
10:00-18:00 hours
10:00-16:00 hours

Cost of entry


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This selection researches pictorial proposals that link constructivist language and industrial materials with the landscape genre and/or lyrical use of color and light.


This selection researches pictorial proposals that link constructivist language and industrial materials with the landscape genre and/or lyrical use of color and light. The historical opposition between the rationale of geometric language before the lyricism of landscape and/or the use of sensual effects of light and color make manifest that contemporary painting is not opposed to individual subjectivity. The surpassing of the abstract/figurative contradiction or rather, constructivist/lyrical contradiction gives rise to the use among contemporary painters of an analytical rationale of geometry and abstraction, simultaneously employing gestures and effects of luminosity and lyrical sequences. While these retinal explorations lend continuity to concretist painting, they advance and in tandem, incorporate the lyricism characteristic of certain avant-garde trends, such as expressionism.

What to expect? Toggle


Willy Kautz

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Pedro Coronel

Néstor Quiñones

Ana Bidart

Sofía Táboas

Gabriel de la Mora

Omar Barquet

Santiago Merino

Berta Kolteniuk

Francis Alÿs

Sofía Echeverri

Francisco “Taka“ Fernández

Joaquín Clausell

Rafael Uriegas


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