
Hero of Switzerland Presents - RAD SCIENCE

17 Apr 2015 – 19 Apr 2015

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00

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5th Base Gallery

London, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Tube: Algate East, Whitechappel, Shoreditch High Street
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map

Bleach the stains out of your lab coat, put a test tube in your pocket and join Hero of Switzerland and friends as they delve into the definitely-more-clever-than-they-actually-are-but-fuck-it world of Rad Science.


Oozing green slime, bubbling beakers, flux capacitors, malfunctioning robots, terrifying but strangely erotic-looking instruments - everything you could possibly find on our persons on a Friday night. Rad Science will be a beautiful laboratory of the Heroes and their friends, a celebration of all things that help and harm, create and explode, hum and whir, of what grows in jars and is sewn on mice.

We have seen the future and it's RAD SCIENCE. JOIN US.

Featuring original works based on the theme by Adam Graff, Becci Atkinson, Biff, Dan Button, Daniel Williams, Esme Tearle, Filip Ziebo, Guy Jarrett, James Andrews, Jenny Haytch, Laura Willis, Mystery Meat, Patch Plummer, Naomi Batts, Paul Dearman, Raj Dhunna, Rashpal Amrit Sam Peet, Sam Rowe and Sarah Birtles.


Open Saturday and Sunday from 11am till 7pm


WEBSITE / http://www.heroofswitzerland.com //

TWITTER / https://twitter.com/heroswitzerland //

FACEBOOK EVENT / https://www.facebook.com/events/1427899900842364/ //

EMAIL / dan@heroofswitzerland.com //

PHONE / 07825017113 // 

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