15 Apr 2016 – 1 May 2016
Cost of entry
- 49 North Street
- Bedminster
- Bristol
- BS3 1EN
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- No 25
An exhibition of new work from the ASK collective
"There are too many leaders and rules in the world as it is, we don’t need anymore” - SOKER
'After Skool Klub’ or just simply 'ASK', is a collective of graffiti writers which started in 2006 by KATO, SOKER and FEEK. These 3 writers wanted to start a new graffiti crew that steps away from the traditional graffiti crew hierarchical system. This new crew would have no leader and no rules.
KATO and SOKER starting writing in the late 80’s/early 90’s as part of theDBZ crew (DryBreadZ affiliates: TES, LOKEA, JUST, SORSE, KATO, VERSE and B....Y). DBZ phased out during the late nineties, most stopped painting altogether. Almost 10 years passed before KATO and SOKER talked about forming a new crew. A meeting formed between KATO, SOKER and FEEK (a 'TCF' crew affiliate (Twentieth Century Frescoes): EKO, FEEK, ZIML, PARIS, XENZ).
These like-minded artists wanted to drive their own creative direction, without rules and regulations. A collective of individual minds, using self expressionism, bound only by an affinity for graffiti and style.
It was official, FEEK, KATO and SOKER had started a new collective, all that was needed was an identity, a name. The initial meeting was held with in the confinements of a public house, held like prisoners, these 3 inebriatedwriters, buzzing at the potential of a new dawn, to paint again, together! A whirlwind of acronyms spinning in and out of conversation, to settle with one acronym, one meaningful existence. 'It’s like being in an after school club rather than being in school, schools are boring’…a nail on the head moment, the 'After Skool Klub’ was born.
Since the initial drunken conception of ASK, 15 more writers have joined the collective, all mostly involved in other Graffiti crews. Strengthening in weight, ASK still retains it's humble beginnings and conceptual ethos, so let's have a group show to celebrate 10 years of being a crew *ahem*...a collective!
Here are all your contributing ASK artists:
3DOM: www.facebook.com/3dom22
CHEO: www.cheo.co.uk
CHU: www.schudio.co.uk
DEAMS: tomdeams.com
EPOK: www.flickr.com/photos/epokone
FEEK: www.flickr.com/photos/feekertron
FOIS: www.kleinershames.com
INKIE: inkie.bigcartel.com
KATO: www.flickr.com/photos/catobristol
KOPSKY: www.flickr.com/photos/28053249@N02
PIRO: www.instagram.com/piro_ask_54
POER: www.instagram.com/joepoer
SEPR: www.facebook.com/seprart
SLED: www.flickr.com/photos/16759589@N03
SOKER: www.facebook.com/sokemone
VOYDER: www.voyder.info