“GREY IS THE NEW PINK- Moments of Ageing”.
26 Oct 2018 – 1 Sep 2019
Cost of entry
Museum: €7 / reduced €3.50
Free admission every last Saturday of the month
Free admission:
Children and young adults up to 18 years old, members of the friends of the Museum, ICOM-members and Museumsufer-Card and -Ticket holders, students of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
- Schaumainkai 29-37
- Frankfurt
Hesse - 60594
- Germany
Hartmut Jahn : NUDE MODEL : Inge - for Franz
will take part at the exhibition “GREY IS THE NEW PINK- Moments of Ageing”.
Who is old – where and when? Can we meet the “challenge of age(ing)” optimistically?
Projections for global demographic trends are forecasting an increase in the world’s older population. The process of growing older is not just important for each individual, but has implications for the social and cultural spheres. Yet each generation ages differently. And when can we actually talk of someone as “old” at all? Even if the visible biological aging processes are the same the world over, each culture has its differences in defining “age” . There is no universally valid definition of when “old age” starts. So who is old – where and when?
This exhibition presents works by international scientists, artists, and poets as well as younger and older citizens of the world. They deal with the topic of age(ing) from multiple perspectives in photographs, videos, literature, drawings, large-scale and multimedia installations as well as performances. Numerous exhibits from the collection and library of the Weltkulturen Museum broaden the view on the subject. Like fragments in a lifetime’s memories, the exhibition combines the individual ways of dealing with such topics as lifestyle, love and sexuality, transmission of knowledge, longevity, illness, health, and death into an anthology of age(ing).
With game consoles you can improve your brain functionality and get refreshed at the “Weltkulturen Water Bar”.
With speeches by Elke Sautner (city councillor, Frankfurt am Main), Dr. Eva Ch. Raabe (acting director at the Weltkulturen Museum), Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. mult. Ursula Lehr (Former Federal Minister and Vice-Chairwoman of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen) and Alice Pawlik (curator of the exhibition and curator Visual Anthropology at the Weltkulturen Museum). With performances by Günther Krabbenhöft and Britt Kanja (social media stars, Berlin), Carmen Piazzini (concert pianist and lecturer at the Akademie für Tonkunst, Darmstadt) and Tim-Luis Weiß (piano student at the Akademie für Tonkunst, Darmstadt).
Curated by Alice Pawlik (curator Visual Anthropology, Weltkulturen Museum).
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Ishola Akpo (CI/BJ), Ramy Al-Asheq (PS/SY/DE), Femi Amogunla (NG), Naama Attias (IL), Meret Buser (CH), Jess T. Dugan (US) and Vanessa Fabbre (US), André Günther/Albino (DE), Hartmut Jahn (DE), Günther Krabbenhöft (DE) and Britt Kanja (DE), Lars Krutak (US), Osborne Macharia (KE), Ninette Niemeyer (DE), Raymond Sagapolutele (WS/NZ), Patricia Thoma (DE), Karsten Thormaehlen (DE) and Jake Verzosa (PH) as well as participants of the open global “Call for Content” and the students and the elderly participants of the “textgestALTER” project.
Follow us on Social Media @Weltkulturen.Museum with #GreyIsTheNewPink!