Glasgow International 2020
24 Apr 2020 – 10 May 2020
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Born in Morocco and now based in Paris, artist Soufiane Ababri works across a range of forms: from performance and drawing and sculpture to film.
His work often critiques prescriptive gender roles, highlighting the legacies of oppressive colonial structures, specifically relating to racism and homophobia. ‘Bedworks’, for example, is a series of drawings that provides intimate portraits of queer life and challenges socially acceptable expressions of homoerotic intimacy.
Taking place at The Gardener’s Bothy at Studio Pavilion, within the flourishing spring greenery of the walled garden at House for an Art Lover, Sub! is a confrontation of the intimate with the social world and what can be drawn from these situations.
This is Ababri’s first solo exhibition in Scotland.
This exhibition is curated by Myriam Mouflih.
Soufiane Ababri (b. 1985 in Rabat, Morocco) lives and works in Paris, France. Ababri’s practice spans a range of forms, working with performance, sculpture, film and drawing. In his practice, he aims to deconstruct normative gender roles and social dynamics, highlighting the legacy of oppressive colonial structures, specifically relating to issues of racism and homophobia. In his Bedworks series, Ababri creates drawings that serve as intimate portraits of queer life and challenge socially acceptable expressions of homoerotic intimacy. Solo shows include: Something New Under The Little Prince’s Body, Dittrich & Schlechtriem Gallery, Germany (2019) Memories of a Solitary Cruise, The Pill, Instanbul, Turkey (2019) and Here is a Strange and Bitter Crop, Space, London, UK (2018). Group exhibitions include: Lignes de vies – une exposition de légendes, MAC/VAL, Vitry, France (2019), RITES_TEMPOS, Tous les matins je prends mon café et je rentre chez moi, Atelier Blanc, Villefranche de Rouergue, France (2019), Dramaturkia, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium (2019), Salon du Dessin Contemporain, La Panacée – MoCo, Montpellier, France. (2018). For more information visit: soufianeababri.com
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