Giulia Berra - Mattang
6 Jun 2018 – 14 Jun 2018
Regular hours
- Wednesday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Thursday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Friday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Saturday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Sunday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Monday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Tuesday
- 10:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
free of charge
- Via Guido Guinizelli 6
- Milan
Lombardia - 20127
- Italy
Travel Information
- M1 Pasteur
The exhibition is the first in a series of special projects entitled “Îles de Mars”.
Mars presents Giulia Berra's solo exhibition "Mattang", curated by Fabio Carnaghi
"Mattang" is the first appointment of a further exposition program hosted in the multiform spaces of Mars. Iles de Mars is a pun, a metaphor for explorers, an ambiguous toponym about a geography reinvented by the artistic experience. Iles de Mars is therefore a dreamed -but never completely explored- land.
Giulia Berra's research is directed towards a practice that moves from the scientific interest for Nature and its anthropological implications. Natural matter is transformed into materials for sculpture and installations, which often have a localized and ephemeral connotation, typical of the habitat of the finding of the site specific-project characterizing elements. The use of natural materials, collected during organized or accidental inspections, ranges from vegetal fibers and forms, such as galls or thorns, to animals remains, such as feathers of exotic or autochthonous birds, shells, insect exuviae or reptile molting skin, up to mineral findings.
Micronesia is the land chosen for the project at Mars. The references are the fascinating myths connected to the Kon-tiki adventure, whose childhood suggestion during a travel in Norway has acted in the imaginary related to navigation, a real topos in Berra's research. The Mattang is therefore the incipit for an odeporic narration, a true archetype of a nautical map typical of the Marshall Islands. Made with palm ribs, coconut fibers, pandanus roots, the Mattang is a chart with crossed sticks indicating sea currents and winds, while shells and coral fragments located the islands. Berra creates bamboo exoskeletons, floating interweaving, navigating sculptures.
Giulia Berra born in Cremona. She lives and works in Cremona. She exposes in group and solo exhibitions in museums and institutions, developing projects deeply connected with the space. Among the exhibition venues we mention: Castello Visconteo, Legnano; Terme di Como Romana, Como; Museu Municipal Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, Amarante (Portugal), Museo Gipsoteca Antonio Canova, Possagno.