
Gareth Chambers: The Revenge of Popperface

14 Sep 2023 – 16 Sep 2023

Regular hours

Thu, 14 Sep
19:30 – 20:30
Fri, 15 Sep
19:30 – 20:30
Sat, 16 Sep
19:30 – 20:30

Cost of entry

£10 / £8

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Wales, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Canton Library
  • Ninian Park
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For this new 50-minute performance, the occult and operatic throb together, working towards a subterranean crescendo, while bathed in the stretched song of French disco pioneer (and muse of Salvador Dali), Amanda Lear.


In THE REVENGE OF POPPERFACE, the shadow-self or alter ego of artist Gareth Chambers invites audiences to bear witness to the real-time crafting of personal mythologies, through dance, mixed martial arts and boxing practices. 

Popperface returns from the dead, leaning into their namesake as the puffed-up, blue-lipped embodiment of excessive amyl nitrate (poppers) consumption. For this new 50-minute performance, the occult and operatic throb together, working towards a subterranean crescendo, while bathed in the stretched song of French disco pioneer (and muse of Salvador Dali), Amanda Lear.  

An experimental exploration of the masculine drawing on research and development undertaken throughout Hull, Nottingham and in lockdown, crystallised for audiences at Chapter Arts Centre and presented with the support of Arts Council Wales.  

Gareth was a Jerwood associate director for Welsh National Opera and made his film directorial debut with The Mystery of Evil an opera horror film featuring the score of Richard Strauss’ Salome. His work has been shown throughout the UK, Australia and Germany. 

Duration: 50 mins

Age: 18+

Content warning: This performance will feature Haze, scenes of nudity, scenes of violence with fake blood and loud music.

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Gareth Chambers


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