
False Friends

20 Feb 2020 – 21 Feb 2020

Regular hours

16:00 – 20:00
16:00 – 20:00

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The Function Suite

England, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Stratford station
  • Stratford station
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‘False Friends’ is an exhibition considering the shared languages between contemporary practice, and consumer culture in 2020. Placing image based practices in dialogue with artists considering commodification, retail and idiosyncrasies in contemporary society.


‘False Friends’
Opening Reception 6-11pm
The Function Suite

In linguistics, a ‘false friend’ is a shortened version of the expression ‘false friend of the translator’, referring to words in different languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning. Reaching out for the familiarity of a similar sounding word in most cases can be semantically treacherous, but the brain always reaches for what it knows.

We live in a state of becoming, of having been, and therefore changing.

‘False Friends’ is an exhibition considering the shared languages between contemporary practice, and consumer culture in 2020. Placing image based practices in dialogue with artists considering commodification, retail and idiosyncrasies in contemporary society.

Gilles Adamson-Semple -https://www.gilliesadamsonsemple.com/
Marc Blazel -http://www.marcblazel.com/
Hannah Cass-Simpson - @hcasssimpson
Steven Gee -https://www.stevengee.com/
Joe Highton -http://www.joehighton.com/
Edward Kay http://www.robtufnell.com/Artists'%20pages/Edward%20Kay/edwardkay1a.htm
William Leach -https://www.williampeach.com/
Alan Michael -https://peoplepuzzle.xyz/
Sam Plagerson -https://www.samplagerson.com/
Klara Vith -http://www.klaravith.com/
Organised by Alexander Harding

With thanks to Nathan Baumber ♥


Alexander Harding

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Hannah Cass-Simpson

Sam Plagerson

Marc Blazel

Alan Michael

Edward Kay

Gillies Adamson Semple

William Leach

Steven Gee

Klara Vith

Joe Highton


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