Intimate Matter
08 Aug 2019 – 27 Oct 2019
Berlin, Germany
As a part of the current exhibition »Intimate Matter« Karl Heinz Jeron will take you on an eWalk, exploring the urban environment around the Bärenzwinger. eWalks draw on the concepts of the dérive and détournement. The dérive, or, ›to drift,‹ involves walking around and trying to follow the emotional and psychological trajectories of an urban environment, rather than the ones planned for you (the shortest commute from home to work, etc.) To pursue a dérive was »... to notice the way in which certain areas, streets, or buildings resonate with states of mind, inclinations, and desires, and to seek out reasons for movement other than those for which an environment was designed,« explained Sadie Plant in 1992.
While walking through the city, the microcontroller will combine GPS localisation with the OpenStreetMap software and the Gutenberg free e-Text archive to create an audio source for the mobile radio broadcast. With the help of GPS coordinates and the OpenStreetMap the street names will be retrieved and used as search terms at Gutenberg.org. Excerpts of the results will be converted to audio (Festival Text to speech software) and broadcasted to the radios of the participants. The microcontroller will execute all steps automatically. For the Audio Tour a magnetic field detector will direct you.
The eWalk will be held in German. Since the number of participants is limited, we ask you to register by sending an email to info@baerenzwinger.berlin.
Kuration Ausstellung & Veranstaltungen
Ulrike Riebel und Nandita Vasanta
Jan Tappe und Hauke Zießler
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