
English Riviera Winter Open - Launch

9 Nov 2024

Regular hours

11:00 – 17:00

Free admission

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A Visual Extravaganza - Wrapping up another year of Art on the English Riviera


Our annual Winter Open is back and we're looking forward to Christmas on the English Riviera!

As with all our Winter Opens, we'll be celebrating the end of a wonderful year of art and looking forward to sharing some Christmas spirit (and incredible original art) with holiday makers and Bay residents. The exhibition is a tried and tested formula that we're well known for now, so make sure a visit is on your Christmas shopping rotation.

The Exhibition will launch on Saturday 9th November, a chance to view the work before the exhibition opens and to meet some of the artists taking part.

To attend please RSVP


Jacob Brandon

Jacob Brandon

Julie Brandon

Exhibiting artistsToggle

FG Davis

Victoria Grimberg

Veronica Moran

Veronica Charlesworth

Vera Akotuah

Steven Kilrain

Steve Reynolds

Sohret Basaran Howells

Stella Tripp

Simon Fowler

Shirley Kirkcaldy

Shay Parsons

Sarah Strachan

Rosie Burns Artist

Roger Lissenden

Rod Ashman

Richard Sunderland

Rebecca Holley

Rachel Mclaughlin

Polly Delahoy

Phyl Thorpe

Paul Ramsay

Olya Baklan

Naomi Hulatt

Mike Tingle

Mat Rochford

Louise Wiseman

Louisa Currier

Linden Lynn

Kieran McPeake

Kerry Webb

Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan

Karen Popham

Kay Hare

Julianne Davis

Jo Salmon

Janet Ventre

Janec van Veen

Jane Walker

Ian McConaghy

Ian Cox

Hannah Leadbetter

Hannah Taylor

Gerry Croker

Fred Gray

Frances Mason

Fiona Campbell

Alan Charlton

Alan Dax

Alexandra Robb

Ali Hirst

Allison McSparron-Edwards

Amelia Webster

Andrew Lucas

Antonia Texidor

Ashton Chadwick

Avenda Burnell Walsh

Bec Monks

Becky Nuttall

Bev Knowlden

Carole Rolfe

Charlotte Sainsbury

Christophe Szpajdel

Cherry Lyons

Cheryl Tipple-Trepat

Cheryll Kinsley Potter

Chrystine Jones

Clare Pumfrey

David Barlow

David Holley

David Jones

David Lawrence

Diannah Lowry

Duncan Stewart

Erica Rochester

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