Emerge Festival in Conjuction with The Bomb Factory
27 Sep 2019
The Bomb Factory Archway
London, United Kingdom
Admission with festival wristband available at all participating venues or, online from https://www.canalmuseum.org.uk/whatson/emerge.htm
Festival ticket prices vary according to chosen night or nights.
A unique sound art installation by award-winning sound artist Tom White, turning the London Canal Museum in King's Cross into an immersive sound experience for the Emerge Festival, London's extravaganza of late shows in cultural venues. 1800-midnight.
Slow time will be an immersive sound installation by award-winning sound artist Tom White that reimagines the fabulous Victorian building that now houses the London Canal Museum.
This soundscape will bring the hidden sounds of ice melting and forming along with the sounds of locks and boats, and material drawn from the museum's collection of oral history recordings, to your enchanted ears, filling the historic environment with a rich sonic landscape.
You'll move around the spaces to explore how sounds react with the architecture and the accoustic properties of ice and water will come together to create an experience not to be missed.
Taking inspiration from the ice well’s atmospherically lit cavernous space, the rest of the museum swill be subtly lit to create an amazing atmosphere that will delight the eyes as well as the ears, whilst stimulating the imagination through listening, perhaps even feeling....
London Canal Museum's immersive soundscape experience will be open both nights and we are aiming to be the best show in the festival!
A museum experience like no other.
A cash bar will be available so visitors will be able to linger and enjoy a drink before dashing off to see another of the Emerge attractions
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