Edward Pile Terra
2 Nov 2015 – 25 Nov 2015
- University Campus Suffolk Waterfront Building
- Neptune Quay
- Ipswich
- IP4 1QJ
- United Kingdom
The Waterfront Gallery at UCS is proud to present Edward Pile whose work explores types and possibilities of pictorial order, intelligibility and meaning.
Edward explains:
I am interested in art as an exploration of possibility: the possibility of uncovering and discovering new expressive forms, and new forms of feeling. I try to make work that engages the full richness of aesthetic experience: sensorial, emotional and intellectual, to explore the human concerns of our place in the cosmos, our relation to nature, and the struggle to see the future.
I hope I make works which offer an openness within aesthetic experience, and which repay sustained attention. Each work is a new beginning and an unforeseen ending. I begin with an intuition, and then continue until it has both a strong meaning for me and an independent integrity. I work directly, but often with long periods of repose and refinement.
I have recently started throwing in stoneware, inspired by the East Asian tradition. Thrown forms, with their use in the home, have a moving immediacy and simplicity.
In this exhibition I will be showing about 25 paintings, together