
Easter Decorations with Fashion Meets Music

8 Apr 2023

Regular hours

Sat, 08 Apr
11:00 – 14:00

Free admission

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Turf Projects

England, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • East Croydon Station
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map

Book a place to make Easter decorations with Fashion Meets Music, all materials provided.


Book a place to make Easter decorations with Fashion Meets Music, all materials provided.


Fashion Meets Music Collective C.I.C. supports emerging creatives with an end to end service from workshops and training to concession space in concept retail stores. We host live events such as music PA’s, fashion shows, workshops, pop ups and expos. Our training arm, sees us partnering with organisations such as local authorities, universities, DWP, colleges and schools offering various employability and work experience programmes. Working with over 175 brands/creatives per year, our collective is constantly growing!

Our Eco Lab has always proved popular with our customers using pre-loved clothes, fabrics and resources to create something new and as we continue to expand on our sustainable fashion movement, we are delighted to meet new likeminded creatives on the way.

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