
dslcollection: A Challenging Project in between the Gamer and the Art experience

10 Feb 2021

Regular hours

Wed, 10 Feb
10:00 – 18:00

Timezone: Europe/London

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Hosted by: Agora Digital Art

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Since 2005, dslcollection has established a model that makes collecting art continuously active and meaningful, always moving with the shifting times.


dslcollection pursues an interactive and participatory approach, redefining the traditional relationships between art and its audience, deconsecrating the public’s approach to art, avoiding any intimidation and countering the notion of art as elitist.

Why should I attend?

Discover one the most, if not the most innovative collection of contemporary Chinese art, in a new format.

In 2010, the collection was the first available on an IPad. In 2012, the collection built a museum on Second Life. In 2016, dslcollection was among the first private collections to build a VR museum.

Today, dslcollection is embarking on a new journey in the video game realm. For the collection, this new adventure is a creative project that uses gaming as a language. It’s a completely new language and one that it is only just beginning to grasp. It also takes the collection out of its comfort zone, working in multidisciplinary teams – creating, prototyping and testing, and going through that learning cycle. Video games are not going to take over from other ways to connect with art. It has the capacity to make people passionate, to create new experiences, to take people into spaces that are unfamiliar.

The challenge with this project is to find the right balance between a relevant experience for a gamer and the art experience. It will bring art and humanity into a video game.

That’s how “The Forgetter” was born.

What to expect? Toggle


Alexandra Busila


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