Viron Erol Vert. The Name of Shades of Paranoia, Called Different Forms of Silence
10 Feb 2017 – 08 Apr 2017
Galerie Wedding
Berlin, Germany
free of charge
Three hour live concert by Driftmachine: Oneiro Trilogy Live Performance No.1 »Morpheus«
Within the frame of the exhibiton project »The Name of Shades of Paranoia, Called Different Forms of Silence« by Viron Erol Vert, curated by Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Solvej Helweg Ovesen in the context of UP (Unsustainable Privileges),
Driftmachine —a Berlin-based duo comprised of Andreas Gerth (Tied & Tickled Trio) and Florian Zimmer (Saroos)— will play a set of three different live shows at Galerie Wedding.
In Viron Erol Vert's installation that the artist calls »Dreamatory« the soundscapes created by Driftmachine will be a psychoactive, dream-inducing stimulant of sorts, referring to the dream goods Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos.
Driftmachine's first show —Oneiro Trilogy Live Performance No.1 »Morpheus« — will be played at the opening of Viron Erol Vert's exhibition on February 9, from 8 to 11 pm.
The second concert by Driftmachine —Oneiro Trilogy Live Performance No.2 »Phobetor«— will happen on Marsch 3, at 6pm and from 9 to 11 pm, framing the artist talk »Talk_about_Dreams« with Viron Erol Vert, Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, presented by Dr. Elena Agudio and Dr. Joerg Fingerhut (AoN_Platform for Art and Neuroscience).
Oneiro Trilogy Live Performance No.3 »Phantasos« will accompany a Live Drawing Performance by Viron Erol Vert on March 23, 5 pm.
Driftmachine videos:
Driftmachine soundcloud:
For information about the exhibition and the text by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung please visit our website:
Website Viron Erol Vert:
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, des Ausstellungsfonds für Kommunale Galerien und der Spartenübergreifenden Förderun
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