Drawing as Notetaking, Reverse Engineering (Enzo Medeiros)
26 Sep 2023
Regular hours
- Tue, 26 Sep
- 18:30 – 20:30
Cost of entry
- 1st Floor 26 Exmouth Market
- London
England - EC1R 4QE
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- 19, 38, 341, 63
- Angel, Farringdon
- Farringdon, Kings Cross
This experimental workshop led by artist Enzo Medeiros will explore the relationship between drawing and sculpture through collaborative processes using plaster.
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONEnzo prompts us to explore the act of drawing in relation to sculpture. Within the sculptural process, drawing is a form of note taking to Enzo, beyond words in a notebook. Participants will begin by analysing product patent drawings, re-asigning labels and imaginary uses. This exercise will then become part of collaborative drawings, which in turn will feed into ‘sculptural drawings’ in plaster. This process will help us to explore drawing through reverse engineering.
Materials are included.
26 September, 6.30-8.30pm
Location: Studio, 26 Exmouth Market, EC1 4QE
Access: The studio is on the 1st floor with no lift
*Note: STUDENT/UNWAGED discount of 33%
Use the code: student-33 at checkout
Evening workshop format: Our series of Evening workshops will focus on extending drawing through low-tech, low cost, DIY techniques. The creatives leading each workshop are young and emerging, yet each is working in a strong and accomplished way with their approach and materials. Curated by Issey Kang.
Anyone who is interested in drawing or who draws but would like to try out new materials and techniques centred on drawing.
Enzo Vieira is a London-based artist working across a spectrum of media and processes such as printmaking, computing, film, and sculpture. Enzo’s work constructs both physical and conceptual planes interrogating representations of information.
Instagram: @5bucksvenmo