Drawing and Sculpting a Poem (Jessica Panchi Pacheco)
16 Mar 2023
Regular hours
- Thu, 16 Mar
- 18:30 – 20:30
Cost of entry
- 1st Floor 26 Exmouth Market
- London
England - EC1R 4QE
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- 19, 38, 341, 63
- Angel, Farringdon
- Farringdon, Kings Cross
Jessica Panchi Pacheco will lead an exciting workshop combining collaboration, poetry, sculpting in clay and drawing using coloured pencil.
In this second workshop led by Jessica Panchi Pacheco, we will begin by collaboratively composing a poem. Each choosing a line from this poem, we will sculpt small scenes in clay, populated by figures and organic forms. These figures will be swapped around the group, and become the starting points for drawings in coloured pencil.
Jessica Panchi Pacheco is currently studying Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts in her second year. She mainly uses drawing as a tool to map and record marks, ideas, problems, or simply when she is confused. Her work tends to explore identity and translations; two sources of inspiration in her work are London and Ecuador. She is currently working on bridging her writing with video and performative photography.
16 March, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Materials are included.
£10. Note: STUDENT/UNWAGED discount of 33%
Use the code: student-33 at checkout
Access: The studio is on the 1st floor with no lift
Our Thursday evening series of workshops will focus on extending drawing through low-tech, low cost, DIY techniques. The creatives leading each workshop are young and emerging, yet each is working in a strong and accomplished way with their approach and materials.