Drawing an Object: Observation & Fabrication (Polly Plowden)
26 Jan 2023
Regular hours
- Thu, 26 Jan
- 18:30 – 20:30
Cost of entry
- 1st Floor 26 Exmouth Market
- London
England - EC1R 4QE
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- 19, 38, 341, 63
- Angel, Farringdon
- Farringdon, Kings Cross
Polly Plowden will lead a workshop that encourages drawing from observation, imagination and eachothers drawings.
In Polly Plowden’s first workshop with us in the studio, we will be drawing objects from observation, but placing them in fantasy settings, which we will draw from our imaginations. We will then pass these around the group, drawing from each other's drawings, becoming a kind of telephone exercise. By copying each other's fantasy drawings around the group, their final outcome will be skewed from their original appearance. They will transform and mutate.
“I think drawing is best used as a fun starting point for ideas and like that it doesn’t always need to be taken seriously. I want to think about how we can copy things we have seen which feel symbolic and combine them with manically drawn environments, focusing on the semiotics of objects and how we can collaborate to explore their themes through drawing. I like how drawings combine observation and complete fabrication.”
Polly Plowden is an artist based in London and in her final year at Goldsmiths. She is interested in the messiness of domesticity and defining oneself.
“I like advertising, simulations and entertainment centres. I like understanding how consumerist culture represents these things and how we digest them through languages of repetition and image representation. I try to think about this in my work through creating spaces and installation through imagery, distorting perspectives through digital and physical manipulation and pairing neat ‘stock’ objects with messy drawn environments to think about the flattening of spaces and preserving of narratives.”
26 January 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Materials are included.
£10. Note: STUDENT/UNWAGED discount of 33%
Use the code: student-33 at checkout
Access: The studio is on the 1st floor with no lift
Our Thursday evening series of workshops will focus on extending drawing through low-tech, low cost, DIY techniques. The creatives leading each workshop are young and emerging, yet each is working in a strong and accomplished way with their approach and materials.