
Do Not Touch - collective debrief at ACUD Galerie

25 Jun 2020 – 8 Aug 2020

Regular hours

17:00 – 20:00
17:00 – 20:00
17:00 – 20:00

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Acud Galerie

Berlin, Germany


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  • U8 Rosenthaler Platz
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DO NOT TOUCH – Installation and reading concept as a debrief at ACUD Galerie, Berlin w/ Shirin Mohammad, Virgil B/G Taylor and Sam Richardson, Pauline Canavesio, APART Collective and Ana Gzirishvili – 25th June - 8th August


Invited artists will share their past video artwork and use it as an inspiration for personal reflection. Topics, narratives and themes present in the artworks prior to the pandemic, could, in this new historical framework, gain a new interpretation, perspective and power.⠀

The installation of each artist/collective will be changed on week basic, giving us a possibility to come together on a regular basis. Every change will be accompanied by curated reading session or a lecture, which will happen in the open-air yard of ACUD MACHT NEU, following the social distancing restrictions and taking care of everyone’s concerns and inputs.⠀

The reading programme will be announced continuously. Please, follow us here for updates.⠀

DO NOT TOUCH is a spontaneous collaborative concept developed by Giulia Valenti and Paula Durinova⠀

Installation design in collaboration w Diane Esnault ⠀


Cancellation of the planned exhibition program at ACUD Galerie caused by the pandemic created empty space but also an occasion for debriefing. We feel the need to stop, look back, rethink and re-feel the current situation. The vacant gallery space will shift into a place of connection with several invited artists, engaging in conversation with them, and with ourselves, to contextualize our thoughts, emotions, concerns and immerse in a dialogue about the experience of the challenging connection and closeness
in this historical moment. A moment of forbidden touch, crumbled physicality and digital

Over the course of the next seven weeks, we aim to provide space for collective reflection. Participating artists will share their past video artwork and use it as an inspiration for personal reflection. Topics, narratives and themes present in the artworks prior to the pandemic, could, in this new historical framework, gain a new interpretation, new perspective and power.

The installation of each artist/collective will be changed on week/bi-week basic. Every change will be accompanied by curated reading session or a lecture, which will happen in the open-air yard of ACUD MACHT NEU, following the social distancing restrictions and taking care of everyone’s concerns and inputs.

For updates and more information, please follow ACUD Galerie on Instagram and FB as well as ACUD MACHT NEU web and social media channels.

DO NOT TOUCH is a collaborative spontaneous concept developed by Giulia Valenti and Paula Durinova

Shirin Mohammad https://www.shirinmohammad.com/
Virgil B/G Taylor http://fag.tips/ 
and Sam Richardson https://www.instagram.com/slamrich/
Pauline Canavesio https://paulinecanavesio.com/
APART Collective https://apart.sk/
Ana Gzirishvili https://anagzirishvili.com/

https://www.instagram.com/acudgalerie/ https://www.facebook.com/AcudGalerie/

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Sam Richardson⠀ ⠀

Ana Gzirishvili

Shirin Mohammad

Pauline Canavesio

Virgil B/G Taylor

APART Collective

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