Die Inszenierung des Urbanen (The Staging of the Urban Element)
8 Oct 2019
Regular hours
- Tue, 08 Oct
- 20:00 – 22:00
Travel Information
- U6 Oranienburger Tor
Event map
Screening of works from the n.b.k. Video-Forum collection, selected by Kristina Paustian (n.b.k. Video- Forum), with a commentary by Sophia Gräfe (media and cultural scientist, Leibniz Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin)
Films by Denis Beaubois, in the event of Amnesia the city will recall… (1997); Arno Brandlhuber / Christopher Roth, Are You Happy? (2012); KP Brehmer, Walkings Nr. 1–6 (1969–1970); Niklas Goldbach, Habitat C3B (2008); Allan Kaprow, Sweet Wall (1970); Holly Zausner, The Beginning (2003)In German