Designer Bookbinders 2016
11 Nov 2016 – 24 Nov 2016
Event times
Monday - Friday 12-6pm
Saturday 12-4pm
Cost of entry
Free to enter
- Bride Lane
- Fleet Street
- London
England - EC4Y 8EQ
- United Kingdom
Each year there is a set book, provided by the Folio Society who sponsor the competition. This year's book was Dante's "Vita Nuova". The exhibition has all of the bookbindings entered into this year's competition on display, plus a number of Open Choice entries of other texts.
The aims of The Designer Bookbinders Annual Bookbinding Competition have always been to encourage professionals, amateurs and students to produce originally designed and well bound books, and to give them the opportunity to exhibit their technical and artistic skills.
The Competition has been very successful in fulfilling these aims and its continuation is seen as essential to the vigour of the art of bookbinding in Britain today. Entry is open to all binders (except DB Fellows) who trained in Britain and who are resident in the UK at the time of completing their binding.