Debora Delmar Corp. *Headquarters*
11 Jun 2016 – 16 Jul 2016
Travel Information
- U1 Prinzenstrasse
DUVE Berlin is pleased to invite you to the opening of *Headquarters*, an exhibition of brand new works by Debora Delmar Corp. This is Debora Delmar Corp.'s first presentation at the gallery.
With the fictional juice brand MINT, Debora Delmar Corp. reflects upon the issues of value, displacement and the relationship of the cost of contemporary luxury items as results of health food trend. MINT takes its name form the acronym, which references the economies of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey. This term, popularized by Jim O’Neill from Goldman Sachs is used under the premise that these countries will become the future economic powers, nevertheless each of these countries is at a current state of political, social or
economic conflict.
The show entitled *Headquarters* is the constructed headquarters for the MINT enterprise installed at Akademie der Künste in the 9th Berlin Biennale. Through the medium of organic aesthetics the MINT consumer is gulled by the allure and promise of a dream lifestyle. The space becomes a typical 'new age' office environment, seemingly subverting institutional heirarchy while insidiously remaining as a fundamentally capitalist structure.
Debora Delmar Corp. would like to thank bjuice and L&Z Elements in the realization of this project.