
DEAF TOGETHER: John Wilson: BSL Gallery Tour

6 May 2023

Regular hours

11:00 – 17:00

Free admission

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Travel Information

  • Canton Library
  • Ninian Park
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John Wilson is a freelance museum and gallery guide in British Sign Language and is joining us for a guided tour around our current exhibition by Canadian artist Myfanwy MacLeod.


John Wilson is a freelance museum and gallery guide in British Sign Language and is joining us for a guided tour around our current exhibition by Canadian artist Myfanwy MacLeod. Myfanwy’s multi-media exhibition references Michael Pollan’s book The Botany of Desire, and explores four plants, the apple, the tulip, cannabis, and the potato, to talk about the fundamental human desires of sweetness, beauty, intoxication, and control. Places are limited to 15 so please book your ticket early to avoid disappointment. Please note this tour is in BSL only.

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Myfanwy MacLeod

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