De productos y de restos
7 Nov 2023 – 17 Dec 2023
Regular hours
- Tuesday
- 16:30 – 23:00
- Wednesday
- 16:30 – 23:00
- Thursday
- 16:30 – 23:00
- Friday
- 16:30 – 23:00
- Saturday
- 16:30 – 23:00
- Sunday
- 16:30 – 22:00
Free admission
- Calle Belen 5
- Madrid
Community of Madrid - 28004
- Spain
We show a selection of the artist's most recent minimal works
The work of Vicente Gómez Pérez (Valencia, Spain. 1975) is situated within the field of Minimal and Postminimal painting by artists such as Richard Tuttle, Blinky Palermo, Peter Halley, Jürgen Partenheimer or Imi Knoebel, and the field of Expanded Painting by artists such as Ángela de la Cruz, José Sanleon, Irma Alvarez Laviada or Guillermo Mora.
In some of his works, paint appears as a physical element that is left to dry in sheets, torn, folded, or deformed, creating structures close to the sculptural. In other pieces, through the combination of materials such as fiberglass, he proposes visual fields crossed by strata, which at the same time recreate a multiplication of surfaces and at the same time affirming the physical presence of the painting object. These objects, halfway between the pictorial and the sculptural, appear crossed by allusions to the deep psychic structures of our present moment, creating pieces that refer to an experience born from the personal, but that are proposed mainly as a social commentary, capable of giving abstraction the character of a discursive object, far from the simple expression of a timeless emotionality.
The pieces selected for the Belenartspace aim to recreate a map of the physical and phenomenological conditions that characterize the artist's particular vision of the pictorial event. From the plasticized and shiny finishes to the incorporation of the rest, the accident, and the waste, which he already began to introduce in his latest exhibition in Madrid, “El Ojo de Berkeley”. A kind of allegorical journey of the object of production of modern consumption, from its brilliant manufacture to its accumulation in the rest of the waste of consumer society.