Darkroom Taster
28 Apr 2020
Regular hours
- Tue, 28 Apr
- 10:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
- Unit 10, Burmarsh Workshops
- 71 Marsden Street
- London
England - NW5 3JA
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- 24, 46, 393
- Chalk Farm
- Kentish Town West
This session introduces you to darkroom basics, including printing a contact sheet from your negatives and making a print.
This workshop is ideal for anyone looking to refresh their darkroom skills, or people who want to experience the darkroom for the first time.
You will bring a roll of 35mm black and white film that you have already shot and had processed (which you can send to us in advance and we'll process it ready for the session at a competitive price).