Current:la Food
5 Oct 2019 – 3 Nov 2019
Regular hours
- Monday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Tuesday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Wednesday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Thursday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Friday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Saturday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Sunday
- 10:00 – 18:00
City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, Located within 15 public parks throughout Los Angeles
- 201 N. Figueroa Street
- Ste. 1400
- Los Angeles
California - 90012
- United States
Through major public art commissions and public programs with local, international, and multigenerational artists, CURRENT: LA FOOD will explore the multiplicity of food.
CURRENT: LA FOOD is a month-long public arts initiative taking place October 5 through November 3, 2019, commissioned exhibitions, unique art installations, live performances, workshops, and interactive experiences across Los Angeles public parks or free. This is the second iteration of Public Art Triennialfollowing the inaugural 2016 launch of CURRENT: LA Water. Through this important initiative, the City’s Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) pioneers public art opportunities for the City, bring world-class exhibitions to public spaces while igniting important discourse around issues that affect the City and other global cities.
In partnership with the Institute of Contemporary Art Los Angeles (ICA LA), the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs commissioned 15 artists to take on the subject of food accessibility and equity -- and their response is as varied as the communities that make up the city. Through an intricate partnership between artists and community members, CURRENT: LA FOOD sheds new light on the precarious balance between pleasure and peril found in food today, and the many ways food gives expression to social and political life.
CURRENT: LA FOOD gives LA residents and visitors an opportunity to engage in the conversation through encountering museum quality art in their neighborhoods as well as venture to other communities to experience the entire collection. Placement of the CURRENT: LA FOOD projects within LA’s burgeoning public transit infrastructure will allow for greater exploration and access, bringing these projects directly to residents and visitors throughout the city. Through an intricate partnership between artists and community members and will shed new light on the precarious balance between pleasure and peril found in food today, and the many ways food gives expression to social and political life.
For more information on this event and the work of CURRENT: LA FOOD, please visit the website. #CURRENTLA
Artist – Site – Public Programmer:
Eva Aguila & Coaxial Arts Foundation – Reseda Recreation Center – Across Our KitchenTables
Cooking Sections – Venice Beach Recreation Center – Human Resources
LAAdrià Julià – LA State Historic Park – Los Angeles Food Policy Council
Nancy Lupo – Pershing Square – The Golden Dome
Shana Lutker – Valley Plaza Recreation Center – Christopher Reynolds
Emily Marchand – Roger Jessup Park – Bed & Breakfast
Julio César Morales & Max La Rivière-Hedrick – Barnsdall Park – Los Angeles Eats Itself
Nonfood – Orcutt Ranch Horticultural Center – Lucia Fabio
Michael Queenland – Exposition Park Rose Garden – Center for the Arts Eagle Rock
Michael Rakowitz – Pan Pacific Park – Leyna Lightman
Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs & Annie Gimas – Delano Recreation Center – Women’sCenter for Creative Work
Ry Rocklen – Palms Park – Babsi Loisch
Torolab – Ted Watkins Memorial Park – LA Commons
Jazmin Urrea – Martin Luther King Jr. Park – SEE-LA (Sustainable Economic Enterprises of Los Angeles)
Nari Ward – Leimert Plaza Park – SÜPRSEED
LA Park Locations:
Barnsdall Park Delano Recreation Center Exposition Park Rose Garden LA State Historic Park Leimert Plaza Park Martin Luther King Jr. Park Orcutt Ranch Horticultural Center Palms Park Pan Pacific Park Pershing Square Reseda Recreation Center Roger Jessup Park Ted Watkins Memorial Park Valley Plaza Recreation Center Venice Beach Recreation Center