Corridor8 Writer-In-Residence
26 Oct 2016
Regular hours
- Wednesday
- 10:00 – 17:00
Cost of entry
- Hunslet Road
- Leeds
England - LS10 1JQ
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Leeds Bus Station
- Leeds National Rail
Drop-in session with The Tetley & Corridor8's contemporary art writer in residence.
Join The Tetley's writer-in-residence Abi Mitchell for a collaborative drop-in event exploring themes of food production and consumption. Free, all welcome.
In partnership with online writing platform Corridor8, The Tetley is hosting an art writing residency for an early career writer during Autumn 2016. This residency has been created to encourage critical and creative forms of art writing which connect contemporary art to wider issues and contexts.
During this residency, Abi Mitchell will be developing new writing which creatively responds to our current exhibitions. Writing produced during this residency will feature in a publication alongside contributions by Sally O’Reilly, Colin Perry and Jonathan Trayte, which will be launched at The Tetley in January 2016.