A Taste Of Things To Come
01 Aug 2015 – 31 Oct 2015
Ocean Studios
Plymouth, United Kingdom
9am-5pm daily
Come to Ocean studios to experience an immersive installation that visualises an abstract representation of Electro Convulsive Therapy (E.C.T) treatment. When entering the darkened space you will be immersed in points of projected light appearing and disappearing, leaving a trail of ghost images that will eventually reveal themselves to be a series of 60 second “seizure” drawings.
This exciting new installation premiering at Ocean studio and part of the Art Weekender expands upon Jamie’s current body of work “Convulsion Machine” which explores the use of an electrical drawing machine he has designed and built. This project explores the use of high voltages passed through human skin to treat severe depression through Electroconvulsive therapy (E.C.T). Jamie has mapped the treatment process of E.C.T in stages, each procedure being a drawing. The drawings are made from an electrical corona discharge creating images drawn with light on paper charged with 150,000 volts of electricity.
The images produced visualise a cumulative charge of electricity people have undergone having E.C.T therapy over a period of time. Jamie is using drawing as a conceptual strategy. Jamie has produced 60 second electrical ”seizure” drawings relating to the time a patient would be treated with a high voltage electrical charge causing the brain to seizure to treat severe depression.
*Warning this installation contains strobe effect light projections
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