Contemporary Art in Albania and Kosovo
15 Jul 2016 – 11 Sep 2016
- Komor Marcell u. 1
- Budapest
Budapest - 1095
- Hungary
Ludwig Museum – Contemporary Art Museum, Budapest places a significant accent within its exhibition programme on the new artistic endeavours, decisive tendencies, and emerging art communities of the region.
A dialogue that was started during Autumn 2014 will result in an exhibition in 2016 aiming to display the forceful and fascinating artistic positions of Albania and Kosovo. Until now art historians primarily studied the cultural, social, and political related questions raised by the two art scenes within the context of the Balkans: the exhibition involving almost thirty artists will be the first in Hungary to focus jointly on the artworks and artistic positions created in the past ten-fifteen years in Albania and Kosovo, initiating a dialogue about the common points but sometimes contradictory aspects of the artistic scenes of the two countries speaking the same language.