Common Threads: Ane Christensen & Daphne Krinos
6 May 2019 – 8 Jun 2019
Event times
open daily 11.00 - 18.00
Cost of entry
- Unit 1:06, Oxo Tower Wharf
- Bargehouse Street
- London
England - SE1 9PH
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Southwark
- Blackfriars
An exhibition and talk for London Craft Week presenting the collaboration between jeweller Daphne Krinos and metalsmith Ane Christensen
To celebrate London Craft Week, fine jewellery designer and maker, Daphne Krinos, and metalsmith Ane Christensen present the process and outcomes of their collaboration in an exhibition at Studio Fusion Gallery, 6 May - 8 June 2019. The exhibition not only shows new work from two respected designers and makers, but offers an insight into their craft and how new ideas can form and develop through creative dialogue.
To mark the opening of the exhibition, curator and journalist, Corinne Julius, will host a discussion on 8 May at 6.30pm where Daphne and Ane will speak about their collaboration, their practices and the process. Tickets can be bought here http://bit.ly/CommonThreadsTalk
“Though working in different disciplines and on different scales, we share a common language in our work and, to some extent, are inspired by the same things”, Christensen comments on why the collaboration was sparked. That ‘common language’ is distinctive in the individual work of both designers’; using bold graphic geometric forms in metal. Both are well-respected, collected and shown internationally, and have pieces in the collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum, Crafts Council, Goldsmith’s Company and Fitzwilliam Museum amongst others.
Ane and Daphne have used this collaboration to extend and explore this ‘common language’ in their work. With Common Threads, they present a “collaborative dialogue in metal on different scales”, with pieces and objects which have been developed through an iterative process of discussion and feedback. Within this, they have focused on exploring how two and three dimensional forms can meet successfully within a single piece.
Importantly for both Ane and Daphne, this collaboration enabled them to “play”, challenge one another and explore new directions. Daphne impresses the importance of working “across disciplines to gain fresh perspectives”, while still being closely tied through the craft of metalwork.
The exhibition gives us the opportunity to not only see the outcomes of this creative dialogue between two respected makers, but the process itself and its development between skilled hands and playful minds.