Come into the Kitchen
15 Jan 2016
Event times
Cost of entry
No entry fee.
6 Crownwood Gate
- 6 Crownwood Gate
- Beavers Road
- Farnham
Surrey - GU9 7GE
- United Kingdom
‘Come into the Kitchen’ explores the concept of heterotopia and misplacement in a domestic environment. Richard Noble and Michelle Wenmouth test the notion of otherness in space alongside its physical and mental limitations.
A kitchen is a transient room linked intrinsically with survival but where one cannot solely live. Though the exhibition is taking place within a kitchen these parameters have been extended. A white space has been created so that the works have a prevalence inside and out of the domestic environment whilst also making one question the importance of a kitchen, as much a social as a practical space, subject to non-hegemonic conditions.
By challenging one’s interpretation of space Noble has made an animation exploring the boundary between utopias and heterotopias. He believes that the former is ‘an unobtainable ideal’ and the latter ‘a kind of negotiation’. Noble commonly uses 3D animation in his practise to explore a broad range of concepts from death and sex to phenomenology however this piece has enabled him to explore the parameters of space in a way that wasn’t possible before.
Wenmouth on the other hand is commenting on the increasing redundancy of the kitchen as a space due to the rise in café and bar culture whilst looking at the direct effect this has on face to face social interaction. Due to societies increasing reliance on technology, she believes the real world has lost its appeal. Memories are becoming weaker and friendships jeopardised as people are often choosing their phone over literal contact. Though an exploration of the ‘everyday’ Wenmouth is looking at the deeper impact of living in ‘a world of illusion’ and the direct effect of the media on this, advertising rather than condemning this bizarre lifestyle choice.